FREE! '.$fl['message'].' set by '.$fl['setby'].'
'.($fl['expires'] != 1 ? 'Until '.get_date($fl['expires'], 'DATE').' ('.mkprettytime($fl['expires'] - time()).' to go)' : '').'

' : ''); } } } //=== free addon end ?> 0'); if ($res_mess_sys) { while ($arr_mess_sys = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_mess_sys)) { $htmlout .= ($arr_mess_sys['type'] == 'header' ? ''.format_comment($arr_mess_sys['header']).'
' : '').($arr_mess_sys['type'] == 'mini_announcement' ? '
'.($arr_mess_sys['header_type'] > 0 ? ''.format_comment($arr_mess_sys['title']).'' : format_comment($arr_mess_sys['title'])).'

' : ''); } } ?> The Horror Charnel

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